Hello, I’m LM Milford, author of the Allensbury Mysteries series.

It’s been my dream to be a writer since I first read Enid Blyton books as a seven-year-old and watched JB Fletcher in Murder, She Wrote tapping away at her typewriter in the programme’s opening credits. If I got to solve non-fictional murders as well, that would just have been an added bonus.

I’ve written fiction on and off for most of my life, trying my hand at short stories and novels, but it was only in 2006 while working as a reporter on a local newspaper that the inspiration for A Deadly Rejection sprang into my head. That germ of an idea bounced around in my head for weeks until I finally bit the bullet and began to get it down on paper.

The book was published in 2017, and it was the biggest buzz in the world to have finally achieved my childhood dream.

There are now three books in the Allensbury Mysteries series, with A Deadly Truth joining the shelf in 2020 and A Killer Christmas in 2021.

When I’m not writing, I like to cook and bake (and eat the spoils) and can often be found in pubs in and around my home in Kent with my husband, sampling the food and having a cheeky glass of wine. I also generally have at least two or three books to read on the go, which keeps me quite busy.

You can contact me in the following places: