It’s a horrible feeling, isn’t it? When you sit down in front of your computer or pick up your pen and the words just won’t come out. More importantly the ideas won’t come either. You know you need to write… Continue Reading →
Every workman needs the right tools to do his job. For example, a plumber wouldn’t head off to fix a blocked pipe without wrenches and screwdrivers. And so it is that a writer cannot work without his or her tools…. Continue Reading →
Writing is a very self-involved process. You get wrapped up in your story, your characters and getting to the end. Editing is more of the same. You’re focused on pulling the story apart and putting it back together in the… Continue Reading →
When you are new to writing, your work tends to fill up the time you have available. But, when you become more experienced and want to work on longer projects, you start to need more time. When you reach this… Continue Reading →
Generally speaking deadlines are vital. If you want to finish a project then an end date should be factored into your plans. After all, if you don’t have a deadline in mind the project could just drift on forever. When… Continue Reading →
In my day job I’m a big fan of CPD. There’s always something you can learn or some new way of doing things that you can embrace. In fact, I’m so committed that for the past three years I’ve been… Continue Reading →
It’s a while since I wrote about writers who inspire me, but I thought it was time I added another person to my list. When you’re starting out as a writer, you’re likely to have an aim in mind. Whether… Continue Reading →
When I was a young cub reporter straight out of journalism college, my very wise (as it turns out) editor told me that our job was to inform enrich and entertain our readers. So, when we discovered that a local… Continue Reading →
It seems that modern life encourages envy. We’re constantly shown images of people who have what we want and are told that we should have the same. But this isn’t the case. There’s a reason that envy (or jealousy) is… Continue Reading →
As writers, we all spend far too much time sitting down. We’re encouraged to get our ‘bums in seats’ and fulfil our daily word count. But if you add that to an office-based job and a commuter journey, that’s a… Continue Reading →
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