Author of the Allensbury Mysteries

Author LM Milford

In the silos of your mind

At the moment it’s fair to say I have a lot on my plate. I have a full time job, I’m studying for a diploma, writing and keeping up with family and friends. The latter group have very much fallen… Continue Reading →

Let Your Mind Push Through That Writing Brick Wall

Great post from Rebecca. Not just about ‘bum on seat’. Taking a break to ponder can be the solution!

Tying up your timeline

I recently read a very good blog post by Mari Hannah in which she talked about the benefits of sticking to your book’s timeline. I didn’t have one when I wrote my first book – in fact, I didn’t even… Continue Reading →

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger – Mel Sherratt #FollowTheLeader

Another reblog – but this is how life can be turned into fantastic fiction. Enjoy!

My 2015 roadmap

I’m not a fan of new year resolutions. Everyone starts the year full of great intentions, over-stretching themselves as if they’re trying to prove something. And I’m no different. I’m a very driven person, meaning that once I set my… Continue Reading →

Can Crime Fiction Work Without A Law Enforcement Protagonist?

Great interview with two great writers – what do you think of an amateur sleuth taking on the job of investigator?

Life after editing bootcamp

I promised to check in after bootcamp and here I am. The result of last week’s beasting is that The Big Edit of the book is done. And, oh my word, what an effort it took! But it’s done and… Continue Reading →

Retreating into editing

Next week I’ve set myself a challenge. I’m going to finish the edits on my as yet unpublished book once and for all. Yes it’s a bit of a challenge but I’m confident I can do it. So in line… Continue Reading →

IWSG: Editing, editing and more editing…

If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you’ll know how much I hate editing. I’d much rather be flying ahead, writing more and having fun. However, I understand the need for editing and doing everything you… Continue Reading →

Writers who inspire me – Joanna Penn

Joanna appears in many guises. Some may know her as thriller writer JF Penn, others as entrepreneur and blogger The Creative Penn, and friends and family probably know her as Jo. Each of her identities has a different role in… Continue Reading →

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