Author of the Allensbury Mysteries

Tag blog

Why you should write a series

This year I’m going to be contributing a post every month to the A Lover of Books blog. Here’s what I wrote in April: The definition of a series is probably quite fluid. It could be over a short period… Continue Reading →

Why I prefer PR to marketing

To most people these two concepts are the same thing, but there is a subtle difference. My take on this is that PR (public relations) is about building relationships with your audience, talking directly to them and sharing information both… Continue Reading →

How to cope when you’re feeling overwhelmed

We all have times in our life when we feel overwhelmed. There seems to be so much to do and not enough time to do it in. That’s where I’m at currently because I’m well into the process of self-publishing… Continue Reading →

A writer who blogs, or a blogger who writes?

As a writer who has any intention of publishing, you’re always told that you need a platform. Not a week goes by when you don’t hear from someone extolling the virtues of blogging or getting involved in social media. You… Continue Reading →

IWSG: Playing my part

Today’s blog is brought to you in association with the Insecure Writers Support Group, a place for like-minded writing souls to gather and support each other. My problem at the moment isn’t creativity when it comes to fiction. It’s all… Continue Reading →

ISWG: The generosity of writers

A few weeks ago I wrote about my big dilemma. I made a decision and have decided to go for the traditional publishing route. (Thanks to everyone who helped with their opinions and support). So my book is now edited,… Continue Reading →

A writer who blogs or a blogger who writes?

When I began my blog two years ago I was reading a lot of other blogs which kept saying writers needed a platform. The extolled the virtues of building this platform so you have a ready-made gang of readers when… Continue Reading →

Refining your writing process

‘If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.’ I don’t know who said the above quote, but quite frankly it’s genius. If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that I finished my second novel… Continue Reading →

When is blogging not good for writers

Opinions are very mixed in the publishing world about whether an author needs a blog. When I launched this blog 18 months ago, everything I read online seemed to be saying that an author needed an online platform, somewhere they… Continue Reading →

New Year, New Me

It’s taken a long time (and about four drafts) to decide what my first blog post of the year would be, and here it is! Usually I get caught up in New Year enthusiasm and throw myself wildly into new… Continue Reading →

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