As of tomorrow morning, I’ll be spending the next three or four months as a full-time crime writer. As the headline says, I’ll be living the dream. And yes, this has long been a dream. The six-year-old me is dancing… Continue Reading →
I’ve been meaning to write this blog post for a while, but I’ve been working hard on marketing A Deadly Rejection and editing my second novel (working title is under wraps for now). But then I was chatting to someone… Continue Reading →
If you were anywhere near my Twitter or Facebook accounts on Saturday, you may have noticed that I finally self-published my debut crime novel, A Deadly Rejection. Apologies if I deluged you in messages, but I was rather excited. There’s… Continue Reading →
Next weekend is the event known in crime writing circles as ‘Harrogate’. Whenever crime writers meet the question that almost always come up is ‘Are you doing Harrogate?’. For non-crime writers this means the Theakstons Crime Writing Festival, which takes… Continue Reading →
When you’re a writer things can seem incredibly tough. Competition entries go nowhere, submissions to agents come back with a ‘thanks but no thanks’ and nothing else. It can be hard to keep going but there are any number of… Continue Reading →
As a writer who has any intention of publishing, you’re always told that you need a platform. Not a week goes by when you don’t hear from someone extolling the virtues of blogging or getting involved in social media. You… Continue Reading →
It’s a horrible feeling, isn’t it? When you sit down in front of your computer or pick up your pen and the words just won’t come out. More importantly the ideas won’t come either. You know you need to write… Continue Reading →
I’m proud to be a member of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. All writers need a bit of a boost and who better to do it than other writers who understand how it feels. Here is my monthly post to… Continue Reading →
When I began my blog two years ago I was reading a lot of other blogs which kept saying writers needed a platform. The extolled the virtues of building this platform so you have a ready-made gang of readers when… Continue Reading →
I cannot express how strongly I urge you to learn from the horrible lesson I’ve just had. This week I learned why it’s so important to keep your computer healthy and your work backed up to the nth degree. Although… Continue Reading →
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