I recently self-published my first novel and have spent a lot of time reading and listening to podcasts about marketing. It’s very overwhelming trying to take in all the activities I ‘should’ be doing to promote my book. But when… Continue Reading →
To most people these two concepts are the same thing, but there is a subtle difference. My take on this is that PR (public relations) is about building relationships with your audience, talking directly to them and sharing information both… Continue Reading →
As a keen reader and a writer, you can imagine how passionate I am about libraries. This week (9-14 October) marks national Libraries Week, and I thought I’d talk a bit about what they mean to me. I practically grew… Continue Reading →
Podcasts are an invaluable resource. I was a bit of a latecomer, usually not having the time to listen to them, or so I thought. Then I tried out a couple and found that it was worth making time in… Continue Reading →
Independently published writers are always told that their book has to have a professionally designed cover. I certainly wouldn’t be one to disagree. Your book cover is the first thing people see and it has to be convincing. Crime fiction… Continue Reading →
I’m sure every author’s heart sinks when they’re asked the question ‘So, where do you get your ideas?’. It’s as if the speaker suspects that there’s an ideas shop where we go to buy them. But we all know that… Continue Reading →
Writing is a very self-involved process. You get wrapped up in your story, your characters and getting to the end. Editing is more of the same. You’re focused on pulling the story apart and putting it back together in the… Continue Reading →
Generally speaking deadlines are vital. If you want to finish a project then an end date should be factored into your plans. After all, if you don’t have a deadline in mind the project could just drift on forever. When… Continue Reading →
When you start out as a writer one of the first pieces of advice you’re given is that you must write every day. No matter how long you write for you must write every day. And for a while this… Continue Reading →
One of the qualities I admire most in people is a can-do attitude; those people who when life throws down an obstacle don’t give up but work out a way around it. Louise and Mark are these kind of people…. Continue Reading →
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