Author of the Allensbury Mysteries

Tag Indie Author Week UK

What it takes to be an indie author

Happy Indie Author Week! It’s that time of year when we celebrate indie authors, their work and their contribution to the writing community. Whatever genre they write in, the life of an indie author can be tough. There are many… Continue Reading →

Planning: the danger of too much

I wrote confidently earlier in the year that I was certain that because I’d carefully plotted and planned my third book then it made the process smoother and had created a better book. How wrong I was. Because I’d known… Continue Reading →

What does it mean for me to be an indie author?

I love being an indie author. Some people may look down on books that aren’t ‘traditionally published’, but I think that it’s fair to say we’ve moved on a long way from just self-publishing. Self-publishing used to have a reputation… Continue Reading →

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