Author of the Allensbury Mysteries

Tag inspiration

Creating the perfect cast for A Deadly Rejection

This year I’m going to be contributing a post every month to the A Lover of Books blog. Here’s what I wrote in March: JK Rowling famously said that Harry Potter walked into her head fully formed. Sadly, my main… Continue Reading →

Why I prefer PR to marketing

To most people these two concepts are the same thing, but there is a subtle difference. My take on this is that PR (public relations) is about building relationships with your audience, talking directly to them and sharing information both… Continue Reading →

Working with a proofreader

If you’re going to make your self-published book look professional, it’s vital that you go through every step that a traditionally published book would go through. Proofreading is a stage that you absolutely can’t do without. Yes, your book has… Continue Reading →

Why writers should never give up

When you’re a writer things can seem incredibly tough. Competition entries go nowhere, submissions to agents come back with a ‘thanks but no thanks’ and nothing else. It can be hard to keep going but there are any number of… Continue Reading →

The benefits of a writers’ retreat

We’d all like a bit more time with peace and quiet to get our teeth into our latest writing project. Most writers I imagine work at home, desperately trying to find a space where they can rest their laptop or… Continue Reading →

What you should (or shouldn’t) sacrifice for writing

When you are new to writing, your work tends to fill up the time you have available. But, when you become more experienced and want to work on longer projects, you start to need more time. When you reach this… Continue Reading →

Writers who inspire me: Jane Isaac

It’s a while since I wrote about writers who inspire me, but I thought it was time I added another person to my list. When you’re starting out as a writer, you’re likely to have an aim in mind. Whether… Continue Reading →

Tackling writer’s guilt and comparison-itis

It seems that modern life encourages envy. We’re constantly shown images of people who have what we want and are told that we should have the same. But this isn’t the case. There’s a reason that envy (or jealousy) is… Continue Reading →

Writers who inspire me – Joanna Penn

Joanna appears in many guises. Some may know her as thriller writer JF Penn, others as entrepreneur and blogger The Creative Penn, and friends and family probably know her as Jo. Each of her identities has a different role in… Continue Reading →

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