One of the first things you get told as a newbie writer is that you have to write every day – it’s the only way you’ll ever finish your novel/short story/script, whatever it is you’re writing. It’s true that writing… Continue Reading →
I wrote confidently earlier in the year that I was certain that because I’d carefully plotted and planned my third book then it made the process smoother and had created a better book. How wrong I was. Because I’d known… Continue Reading →
I wrote recently about how to plan a novel in a week; that is definitely possible. However, I won’t ever claim that it’s possible to edit a novel in a week. In fact, my first two novels took at least… Continue Reading →
So, you’ve always wanted to write a novel. You’ve got a great idea buzzing around in your head and you want 2020 to be the year you use it, but you don’t know where to start. Writing a novel is… Continue Reading →
Be honest, how many times have you declared New Year resolutions only for them to fail within a few weeks? It’s no surprise really. There’s a tendency to set very high-level resolutions – lose half a stone, get fit –… Continue Reading →
If you were anywhere near my Twitter or Facebook accounts on Saturday, you may have noticed that I finally self-published my debut crime novel, A Deadly Rejection. Apologies if I deluged you in messages, but I was rather excited. There’s… Continue Reading →
We all have times in our life when we feel overwhelmed. There seems to be so much to do and not enough time to do it in. That’s where I’m at currently because I’m well into the process of self-publishing… Continue Reading →
Independently published writers are always told that their book has to have a professionally designed cover. I certainly wouldn’t be one to disagree. Your book cover is the first thing people see and it has to be convincing. Crime fiction… Continue Reading →
Every workman needs the right tools to do his job. For example, a plumber wouldn’t head off to fix a blocked pipe without wrenches and screwdrivers. And so it is that a writer cannot work without his or her tools…. Continue Reading →
Generally speaking deadlines are vital. If you want to finish a project then an end date should be factored into your plans. After all, if you don’t have a deadline in mind the project could just drift on forever. When… Continue Reading →
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