Author of the Allensbury Mysteries

Tag publishing

What does it mean for me to be an indie author?

I love being an indie author. Some people may look down on books that aren’t ‘traditionally published’, but I think that it’s fair to say we’ve moved on a long way from just self-publishing. Self-publishing used to have a reputation… Continue Reading →

Why writers should never give up

When you’re a writer things can seem incredibly tough. Competition entries go nowhere, submissions to agents come back with a ‘thanks but no thanks’ and nothing else. It can be hard to keep going but there are any number of… Continue Reading →

A writer who blogs, or a blogger who writes?

As a writer who has any intention of publishing, you’re always told that you need a platform. Not a week goes by when you don’t hear from someone extolling the virtues of blogging or getting involved in social media. You… Continue Reading →

Should you always set a deadline for writing projects?

Generally speaking deadlines are vital. If you want to finish a project then an end date should be factored into your plans. After all, if you don’t have a deadline in mind the project could just drift on forever. When… Continue Reading →

What to do next?

Now that I’m back in the writing game, I have a few decisions to make. I’m still (yes, still) finishing off editing on my first book, and I’m anticipating that it will be finished by mid-November. But at the same… Continue Reading →

A big decision – what’s next?

I’m in a bit of a dilemma. The edit of Book One is now finished and I’m a little unsure of what my next step should be. Maybe you can help – I have a couple of questions that need… Continue Reading →

IWSG: Writers who inspire me: Mel Sherratt

This is the start of a series of posts I’ll be running on the blog, looking at different writers who have inspired me in my writing career. Hopefully you’ll find them inspiring too. When I look back to the start… Continue Reading →

New Year, New Me

It’s taken a long time (and about four drafts) to decide what my first blog post of the year would be, and here it is! Usually I get caught up in New Year enthusiasm and throw myself wildly into new… Continue Reading →

Finding a work-life-writing balance

In my day job as a communications/PR professional, my boss’s two favourite sayings are ‘Comms Plan’ and ‘strategy’. Both of these are close to my heart too because I like a plan, I like a structure. At least in my… Continue Reading →

The benefits of a Good Writing Day

Last weekend I had two what I would call Good Writing Days (GWD). Normally when I find myself with a free weekend I get so intimidated by the hours stretching ahead of me that I start to find excuses not… Continue Reading →

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