One of the first things you get told as a newbie writer is that you have to write every day – it’s the only way you’ll ever finish your novel/short story/script, whatever it is you’re writing. It’s true that writing… Continue Reading →
We’re into week four of the Coronavirus lockdown (I think) and I think it’s fair to say that it’s a very, very strange time. I don’t know about you, but I’ve completely lost track of the day and the date!… Continue Reading →
No writer emerges fully formed. It’s that simple. When a writer publishes their first book, it’s rarely actually their first completed work. Instead it will be the product of many, many years of false starts and learning from them. Most… Continue Reading →
We’re all familiar with that feeling of ‘I want to write but I don’t know where to start’. It can be very difficult and intimidating to come up with new ideas. It can be frustrating when you hear an author… Continue Reading →
Be honest, how many times have you declared New Year resolutions only for them to fail within a few weeks? It’s no surprise really. There’s a tendency to set very high-level resolutions – lose half a stone, get fit –… Continue Reading →
I’m just over one month into my stint as a full-time writer and so far it’s been a roaring success! I’ve had a very successful month and I’m already past the halfway point in the book. Despite a two-week holiday… Continue Reading →
We all know the comfort of reading an old favourite. You know the characters, the plot doesn’t need much energy and you can relax as you’re reading. I’ve been doing that a lot recently. I think I was in need… Continue Reading →
It’s the time for making New Year resolutions and becoming ‘the new you’ if you read newspaper and magazine articles. I’ve never really been a fan of this time of year because it always seems to be a time of… Continue Reading →
This year I’m going to be contributing a post every month to the A Lover of Books blog. Here’s what I wrote in March: JK Rowling famously said that Harry Potter walked into her head fully formed. Sadly, my main… Continue Reading →
I’ve been meaning to write this blog post for a while, but I’ve been working hard on marketing A Deadly Rejection and editing my second novel (working title is under wraps for now). But then I was chatting to someone… Continue Reading →
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