Author of the Allensbury Mysteries

Tag writer

Writer’s Retreat – or should that be Writer’s Treat? (Part Two)

Last week we looked at the benefits of taking yourself away to somewhere far-flung and isolated where you have nothing to do but write. But some of these places can be expensive and often you can’t just pick up and… Continue Reading →

Writer’s retreat – or should that be writer’s treat? (Part One)

When you are a part-time writer, there are a lot of other things that claim your attention. Family, friends, a social life and work all seem determined to claim their pound of flesh, and you know what they say about… Continue Reading →

Writing while working full time – why do you do it?

Most writers when they first start out do not have the luxury of writing full-time. They have bills to pay and families to support and most writers are crippled with self-doubt about whether their writing is any good. Plus, contrary… Continue Reading →

Making time for blogging as a writer

Recently I wrote about whether or not an unpublished writer should have a blog, and through interactions with readers I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a good way to inspire you as well as building connections with other people,… Continue Reading →

Finding a work-life-writing balance

In my day job as a communications/PR professional, my boss’s two favourite sayings are ‘Comms Plan’ and ‘strategy’. Both of these are close to my heart too because I like a plan, I like a structure. At least in my… Continue Reading →

Weekly update – excited by my progress!

Weekly updates of my word count were part of my original New Year’s Resolution plans, and I was quite pleased when that all had to go out of the window. One of my big concerns was that each week I’d… Continue Reading →

Should an unpublished writer have a blog?

All the advice I’ve read recently suggests that a writer needs to build a platform, a network of followers who will buy your book. But all this advice is written by people who have already published books, whether via the… Continue Reading →

Why I’m not doing NaNoWriMo… this year

On Tuesday, hundreds of thousands of writers – both novice and professional – will take up their pens, flick to a clean page in their notebook and set out on the annual National Novel Writing Month challenge. For those of… Continue Reading →

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