Author of the Allensbury Mysteries

Tag writing

Tackling writer’s guilt and comparison-itis

It seems that modern life encourages envy. We’re constantly shown images of people who have what we want and are told that we should have the same. But this isn’t the case. There’s a reason that envy (or jealousy) is… Continue Reading →

Top tips for protecting your writing body

As writers, we all spend far too much time sitting down. We’re encouraged to get our ‘bums in seats’ and fulfil our daily word count. But if you add that to an office-based job and a commuter journey, that’s a… Continue Reading →

Writing fast or writing well

When you’re starting out on a new project it’s easy to get carried away. You throw yourself in and start scribbling or typing at manic pace without any real thought about what it is you’re writing. There are two schools… Continue Reading →

What happens if you don’t write every day?

When you start out as a writer one of the first pieces of advice you’re given is that you must write every day. No matter how long you write for you must write every day. And for a while this… Continue Reading →

A review of my 2016

In terms of general news, 2016 has been a difficult year. We’ve lost some big names in the world of showbiz – for me, those that hurt the most were Alan Rickman and Victoria Wood – and had some big… Continue Reading →

My top five books of the year

It’s that time of year when everyone starts to look back at the year that’s passed and what happened in that time. I’ve seen a lot of posts on Twitter of people’s top books for the year so I thought… Continue Reading →

Coping with an ending

I haven’t blogged for quite a long time now, as you’ll see from the date of the last post, but today’s writing session has been really interesting for me and I wanted to share some thoughts. There is such a… Continue Reading →

What to do next?

Now that I’m back in the writing game, I have a few decisions to make. I’m still (yes, still) finishing off editing on my first book, and I’m anticipating that it will be finished by mid-November. But at the same… Continue Reading →

In the silos of your mind

At the moment it’s fair to say I have a lot on my plate. I have a full time job, I’m studying for a diploma, writing and keeping up with family and friends. The latter group have very much fallen… Continue Reading →

Tying up your timeline

I recently read a very good blog post by Mari Hannah in which she talked about the benefits of sticking to your book’s timeline. I didn’t have one when I wrote my first book – in fact, I didn’t even… Continue Reading →

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