As a voracious reader and writer, literacy has always been a huge part of my life. I’ve loved books and reading for as long as I can remember. Joining the ranks of published writers is simply a dream come true.

Reading has often been my saviour over the years. Books have kept me entertained, helped me during low periods and taught me an awful lot. It represents freedom. Without leaving my seat I can travel across the world and have adventures that just wouldn’t happen to someone like me.

As a child, this escapism was purely entertainment, but as an adult it also represents an escape from everyday life. During the pandemic I have struggled to read. Without my usual commute to work, my usual reading routine has gone. The distractions of the world have also intruded on my concentration span and made it much harder to even pick up a book. When I do, I always find myself diverted but sometimes, despite the quality of the book, my mind wanders.

But, as September is Read A New Book Month, I’m stepping up my reading game. I’ve chosen some books that I want to read – and have been putting off. Its an ambitious list but hopefully this will give me the kick-start I need to get back to my full enjoyment of books.

So, as it’s International Literacy Day, let’s all pledge to make the most of our reading ability and get cracking on that book we’ve been longing to read. I don’t think we’ll be disappointed.

What book will you choose to help you celebrate being able to read? Let me know in the comments below.